PETRODIN has a long track record of services worldwide since 1990 when Petrodin was registered in Brazil, and was followed up in 2023 by establishing a new Petrodin entity in Namibia. Our activities are targeting to lower harmful emissions and ultimately eliminate these emissions in the marine and offshore environment. Petrodin believes that with innovative solutions the current situation with greenhouse gas pollution significantly can be improved, with a strong focus on HSE.


Our Principles and Values are based on conducting with transparency our activities and business, in a sustainable and consistent manner focused on meeting client requirements, legal requirements, other national and international requirements applicable to our activities, with a corporate culture focused on the spirit to symbolize values, behavior and beliefs.


Confidence in people and their capacity and desire to evolve; Ethical, integral and transparent conduct; Self-development of people, especially in the qualification by and for the work, resulting in company development; Decentralized performance based on full and planned delegation for the collaborators to act, with freedom and responsibility, in their business tasks; Productive and relevant innovation for the common good; Merit recognition; Leadership by example; Customer satisfaction.


Safety of people above all; Transparency; Discipline; Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Excellence with simplicity; Integrity with all audiences


Participate actively in the energy decarbonization transition from low carbon fuel towards ultimately green fuel and energy storage systems. Develop optimized energy management vessels and equipment. Deliver cost effective highest quality work standards, procedures, tools and techniques to meet all regulatory, community and client requirements.


To be recognized by the society as a contributor in the energy transition towards sustainable energy and our comittment to human equality, diversification and inclusion.


Incorporate social, health, safety and sustainable environmental commitments in all corporate strategies, undertaken business, and communities where we are active.

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